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Make an appointment

Book a Face-to-face or Telephone appointment on the day or up to 7 calendar days in advance.

Our appointment lines are normally busier between 8am and 9am and you may experience some delay in contacting the surgery if you phone during this time. If for any reason, we cannot offer you an appointment that day we will ask you to call back the next morning.

However, if you feel you need to be seen urgently, the Administrator will request your details and our Duty Doctor will call you back to discuss your problem. We will ensure that you receive a call from the doctor if your need is urgent.

Booking appointments

To book an appointment, you can call the practice on 01382 880900.


Phone 999 if it's a medical emergency.

Out of hours

If you need help when our practice isn't open:

Keeping appointments

It's important that you keep to your appointments. You have rights and responsibilities as a patient. Find out more about the Charter of Patient Rights and Responsibilities on NHS inform.